Thursday, April 18, 2013

The most important thing!

Hello, today I would like to discuss very important aspect about poor children with different diseases! These little kids are not able to have a normal medical support. Many young people need our carrying about them, especially those who are living without parents or in poor families. Many of them are dying because of cancer, but money could get a big chance for them to save their lives. Our days, unfortunately we cannot take a free medical support, but doctors may save their lives!

First of all, I urge the government to improve the standard of medicine, as well as new laws about free medicine. But it’s only half of the way! We all can help these babes! Nowadays, we have a huge power in our hands!!! Actually, this power located almost in every computer! And is net! Social networks, some sites are publishing a lot of information about our opportunity to help those kids! I would like to say a big THANK YOU to those who are helping people, who are active in community and service, who is agree with my point of view!

We can use internet for sending money for kids with a heath diseases and their parent`s economic problems! Also we can share our warmth with them! I am pretty sure they need our moral supporting! But how, if we are sitting so far away from each other! But I will tell you a logical answer! Internet can help us with any sort of actions! Even we realized the huge numbers of poor people, children with diseases because of internet! 

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