Thursday, April 18, 2013

How will you use your new understanding about violation of rights and the use of social media in your community and service activities?

How will you use your new understanding about violation of rights and the use of social media in your community and service activities?

Hello, everyone! Today I am going to finish my English unit about human rights. But that means only getting a mark for that! I wanted to say that I will continue my researches, my blog and my active fight for human rights. Now I am quite sure, that my new knowledge’s will help me in life to protect myself and all people around. Nowadays, we have a brilliant chance to make changes in our world, simply while sitting on your sofa. Of course it wound be something global, but you will make a special contribution to the human rights.

During this school unit I got a huge amount of knowledge about blogging and protecting our rights. I won’t just forget what I leaned; I will try to make an interest in that topic with everyone from my surrounding. From now, I am going to be more responsible and understanding! I will make people believe that our future deepens on us! And progress of 21th century will help me with that! Internet is a good place for debating and expressing your thoughts, feeling!  Right now I am promoting a heath lifestyle, ground maintenance and care of nature in the Facebook! I choose this specific network because of demanding!

From today I will have more interest during social council meeting ( I am planning to go back in this aspect of school`s life) , also me more active while community and service actions, plus I will talk in internet with people from different countries to understand what’s going on there with a human rights.

Plus videos and music are the good idea for those who prefer a more entertaining way of studying and fighting for our rights!

So I will use all these aspects to help people! To fight for them! To protect everyone! Even if it will be by dint of net. We should show an enthusiasm in our community and service activities!

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