Thursday, April 11, 2013

How can I change the world with social media!

Hello, now I would like to consider a very important question! How can I change the world with social media! Actually if we will discuss this topic together, we ought to get much better opinion around the globe! So, that means we have a lot of good and interesting aspects in that area of interaction! So what media is? Actually it is not just TV and fashion magazines! Nowadays, the most powerful type of media is NET! Here we can share our thoughts with other people around the world and plus, discuss it with anyone! Many of us have their own web blog! This is a good way to show anything we like! Your blog could really affect on our world. I will explain why! Look!!! If you will defend your point of view there, many of your readers could change their opinion and just follow your ideas. If everyone will do something for that, our world will be better! Also facebook is very powerful way of sharing your thoughts! There you can chat with people from any country and get a bit more interesting information from clear interlocutors! That could help you to realize human`s opinion from their side of understanding! Also you can publish your photos or write some short, but important lines on your wall! I think, facebook is the most simple and comfortable way for sharing your ideas about human rights with other people! This method of publishing your thoughts could really effect on the world, cause almost everyone have their profile on that social network, so there you are able to find anyone and everyone can find you!

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