Thursday, April 11, 2013

Human rights in Kazakhstan

Hello, people! Now, its time to talk about my country! The Republic of Kazakhstan, with a population of approximately 16.6 million, has a parliamentary system dominated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev's Nur Otan Party. As you know, the 2007 national elections for the (lower house of parliament) fell short of international standards. Yesterday I was watching TV with my dad and I heard there, that Nur Otan received 88 percent of the vote, winning every seat in the chamber. Security forces reported to civilian authorities.
So, in our country the following human rights problems were reported.  For example:

1)      severe limits on citizens' rights to change their government;
2)      military hazing that led to deaths;
3)      detainee and prisoner torture and other abuse;
4)      unhealthy prison conditions;
5)      arbitrary arrest and detention;
6)      lack of an independent judiciary;
7)      restrictions on freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and association;
8)      discrimination and violence against women;
9)      societal discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender persons, and those with HIV/AIDS.
10)   discrimination and violence against women

Frankly speaking, this information I took from site of U.S. State Department. I am glad to see such useful and interesting facts about my country!  I am really proud of Kazakhstan. Nowadays, we are doing a lot of actions, we are learning and improving laws about animal`s and humans rights. Each of us should care not only about themselves, but we should be more attention on each other lives! I know, It could be very difficult for someone, but bullying, killing, poaching should not be in our world! 

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