Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Media in the Life of Society!

Hello! It is my new blog post about social media in our life! 

The mass media plays an important role in our everyday life. In fact it is an essential part of modern society. Press, radio, net and TV keep peopl informed on the latesr and most sensational events. 

Millions of copies of newspapers are printed in our country every day. All the most important questions of social, economic, scientific and cultural life, moral and ecolofical promlems, human and animals rights are published in the press and discussed on TV and online chats. Opinion slash, officials and political parties are subjected to criticsm whatever their position may be. The mass media is constantly trying to stimulate intrest in every aspect of life of the country. 

Internet, newspapers, magazines and TV programmes for young people reflect their hopes and wishes, their attitudes and opinions. Of course such programmes, magazines, sites and newspapers mostly deal with leisure, especially music and the cinema. But some of social media also offer young people advice about their rights, such as good education or job, helping them to choose the right course in solving their problems. 

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